
Unit 4: Conclusion

Page history last edited by Vanessa Warner 14 years, 6 months ago

Unit 4: Conclusion




Technology integration in the 21st century is essential to keep up with our changing world.


Cooperative learning increases higher-order thinking through social interactions based on content.

Wiki technology brings cooperative learning to the classroom while allowing students to continue their discussions from anywhere.

 Wikis capitalize on classroom diversity and can be used in any content area.


You have participated in wiki cooperative learning throughout this course

and have made your own wiki to integrate into your curriculum.


Click the "Edit" tab.

Reflect on what you have learned in this course and

how you will integrate these new ideas into your classroom.


Do you have more ideas about technology integration than you did before this course?

What types of 21st century thinking will you incorporate into your classroom?

Do you believe cooperative learning through wikis has a place in your classroom?

What areas of cooperative learning will benefit your students the most?

Do you feel more confident in using and incorporating wikis in your classroom?

What topic or task will you begin using a wiki for?
















Going Further


Remember, start simple with your wikis and the integration of technology into your classroom.

Technology is about complementing your curriculum and wikis can be as simple or complex as you make them!


Get connected and learn more about 

technology integrartion, cooperative learning and wikis. 

 Get started by continuing to: References 


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